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What to Expect from Your Vizsla


So you're thinking about owning a vizsla...welcome to a life long love affair!  I often have people calling me asking what it's like to own a vizsla.  It's easy to find out all the great things about the breed by searching online, but a lot of people want to know what it's really like, so here goes...5 things that you should expect when owning your first vizsla:


1. High energy really means high energy. 

It's easy to find a vizsla owner, book, or article that will tell you vizslas have a lot of energy, so what does that mean?  When you think about vizslas, think about them as the endurance dog of the "high energy" breeds.  Taking them out and throwing a ball a few times a week for them is like child's play.  Vizslas need to be able to run, a lot, at least daily, if not a couple of times a day...and there is nothing more wonderful than seeing the happiness on a vizslas face when they really get to turn on the jets.  And, unlike some of the other sporting breeds, this doesn't go away with age, so be prepared to stay in shape as your vizsla ages. If your vizsla is being mischievous or getting herself into trouble or simply not following her training, odds are high that it is because she isn't getting enough exercise. 


2. Vizslas love to swim.  

They are natural swimmers and can spend hours swimming in the water without tiring (yes, high energy means high energy, even in the water).  Ever wonder what it would look like for a dog to swim gracefully?  Take your vizsla swimming; it truly is sight to see.  While some vizslas don't care much for the water, most of them have a natural love for it. Safety first though, always make sure that your vizsla knows how to enter and exit the water safely and that in open water, there aren't any dangerous currents that are beyond your pup's ability.


3. Velcro?  More like second skin. 

They are called velcro dogs for a reason.  When you take your vizsla home, expect to have a shadow following you around wherever you go.  There is nothing quite like the love and loyalty of a vizsla.  Best friend doesn't even begin to describe it.  Vizslas are very sensitive to their owners and like to be physically close to them, which is probably what makes them so easily trained.  If you're looking for an independent dog or you aren't able to be with your dog (nearly) around the clock, this may not be the breed for you.  But if you want a dog that will repay you with love, affection, and companionship for all the time spent, the vizsla is your dog.  If you know a vizsla owner, you might notice that they take their dog everywhere with's a lot of work and can be a life adjustment, but, believe me, it's totally worth the payoff when your dog gives you a great big vizsla hug or cuddles you with the most amazing cuddles.


4. You will no longer own your bed.

So all those pictures you've seen of vizslas sleeping on their owner's beds?  Yeah, that's a real thing.  It starts out innocently enough...those cute little blue eyes when you bring them home, you pick them up and then they just snuggle into you (see? velcro), and the rest is history.  Your bed is now her bed...forever...end of story.  


5. There is no such things as Vizslas Anonymous.

Yes, owning a vizsla is addicting.  You know how I mentioned that thing about the velcro and having a second skin?  You will be just as attached to your vizsla as they are to you.  You will want to be around them all the time and you will whine and mope and worry about them when you're apart.  Be prepared to be in a codependent relationship with your vizsla because they will completely win your heart.  And it doesn't stop there...once you own one, it's only a matter of time (or convincing your significant other) to get another one (best to let your V do the talking - or cuddling - on that one!)


So now you know a few things about owning a vizsla...are you still game?

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